João Berkeley Cotter

CEO and co-founder of Aquaponics Iberia. MBA and MSc in Marine Biology. Over the last 15 years, he has dedicated himself to the design and engineering of aquaponics systems, as well as consultancy and training in recirculating aquaculture and aquaponics systems. He has been CEO of 3 startups, an aquatic and aquaculture researcher, food retail consultant and project manager, promoting the development of sustainable food production in several countries and international projects, including in the Caribbean region, where he coordinated a large aquaponics project for the full region. Over the last 10 years, he has invested heavily in the development of technologies for aquaponics (R & D), partnerships and the Fish n ‘Greens project, having overcome all the obstacles that innovation in this area implies. He was recently in charge of aquatic production at Food4Sustainability CoLAB and is a certified BLUEINVEST (European Commission) coach.

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